
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I survived!

The last two days have been crazy, busy, and tiring -- but I came home to two great things!

Sage! Unfortunately my phone camera is
too slow for good pictures.
Yesterday morning, I left home around 6am for an Animal Ethics training day in Melbourne. The training program ended at 1pm, and Jess, Nick, and I went to Jess's house to discuss our current project and the next steps we need to take to keep on track.

I got to meet Jess's new bird, Sage, and her two foster baby ringtail possums - who were absolutely adorable.

This morning, I had a meeting with someone from the service dog training group to figure out what I need to do in order to get trained up as a puppy raiser. Certain some fun things to come from this!

I had tutes in Bundoora again today. It's always interesting to see how different classes can have such different opinions - maybe just because certain ideas get brought up first. I really enjoy challenging their thoughts, even though they might think I'm a little nuts. One of the hardest things with the tutes is getting my second class (from 3-5pm) to keep participating through the entire class time. It's the end of the day and we're presenting such thought-provoking things and asking them to discuss when people are having a hard time just keeping their brains turned on, let alone critically think. I want to say that's why my first tute is so much more enjoyable - but I had a little chat with my second class today and hopefully next time is better.

It's 3 weeks until I need to be down in Bundoora for tutes again, next time only for a single day so it should be less tiring. My two hour drive home this evening resulted in good things though. Got home and found that my American snacks had arrived, and I've received my first scholarship payment from the university!

Things are looking good - and we have a long weekend coming up. It's Easter weekend so we get Friday - Tuesday as university holidays. I'll probably go hang out at Pauleen's for at least a couple days and do some training/play with her dogs... should be fun!

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