
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Bye Amigo and Jericho!

Tomorrow Amigo and Jericho are heading up to their new home. They're going to do great! Today, we spent the last day introducing them to potentially scary every-day things they might encounter. It was really quite interesting to see the differences in how they reacted...

Amigo says: "Tarps are scary!!"

Jericho doesn't understand what all the fuss is about...there's food there!

We ended up playing a different game with Amigo, having him follow a handler that was holding the tarp rolled up smaller, then gradually make the tarp bigger and have it dragging on the ground while he followed to "visit" the other people in the pen and get food from them.

Wishing Amigo and Jericho the best of luck in their new home. Luckily the two horses get along really well and like to play together, so they will have each other when they leave tomorrow. Hopefully Jericho's more grounded presence will help to keep Amigo calm(er).

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