
Saturday, August 24, 2013


I hate it when something I do or say has negative consequences for somebody else. When is it right to bring a concern up to a person in charge and when is it considered tattle-taling? A quick Google search on tattle-taling (mostly to decide how to spell it...) brought up a bunch of parenting guides on how to stop pre-schoolers from being snitches. Society seems to so strictly condone any tattling (whistle-blower hatred anyone?). So when is it socially acceptable to "tell on" someone, and when is it a "mind your own business" situation? And when you need to tell something, how much detail do you include? Do you just bring up a concern or do you say "[name] said this"? Interesting things to think about...and cause you to regret the way you chose to approach an issue.

Anyway, on a lighter note, we've cleared out all the training pens in preparation for the new horses to start. I'm thinking that Simon, Alvin, and maybe Batman will be ready to follow us into training pens tomorrow. Everybody is doing great -- except Mr. Robin has still yet to eat from our hands. During dinner feeding, we made sure to drop as little hay as possible on the ground in hopes that he would quit being a vacuum and decide to eat from our hands. He did nose the hay in Pat's hand, but unfortunately he made contact with her finger, which totally freaked him out and he didn't end up taking any hay. Hopefully tomorrow morning he will be hungry enough to eat from us.

Since the old "wild" horses have been taken out of the training pens, Ginger and Greta have been reunited -- happily best friends as long as it's not feeding or training time; then Ginger becomes all bossy and feels the need to remind poor Greta what a grouchy old lady she is.

Ginger eating breakfast and Greta giving her a WIDE
berth to get to her own bag on the other side.

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