
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Christmas Came Early!

John headed to town today to run errands and stop by the post office. I had him send a package and I knew my mama had sent me some stuff as well. Turns out John came back with a bunch of goodies in the mail!

Thanks Mommy! Yay sour gummy worms and cookies and nuts :D
And I am now armed with a ton of mosquito/insect repellent...hope they work!

Gifts from Sasha!! So excited for delicious coffee tomorrow morning...and MORE coookies! And chocolate!! <3
So..basically we're going to be gorging on sweets for a couple days -- or hopefully longer. No promises though haha.

In terms of actual horse training...

Heather rode Jericho in the yard today -- I was on Cracker the hinny for social support so it would be less scary for Mr. Jerry. Jericho's gone on trail rides out into nature before, but it's been a while so we're taking it slow. I rode Amigo in the round pen again today. He did better and was more calm overall. It did help that I remembered to review cues from the ground today before I got on :)

Heather and I also did ground driving with Hammer in the yard today. He did absolutely fantastic! I was holding the lead rope just in case, but Hammer was completely focused on listening to Heather's verbal cues and guidance from the driving lines and I could stand back by his belly just loosely holding the lead rope. He only needed help from me once when Chester the mule came running up...but that wasn't poor Hammer's fault!

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