
Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I was really going to write a blog post last night, but I found this gem on the internet:
Spent the rest of the evening looking at fantastically cute pictures with genius photoshop skills.

Just started watching a DVD series by Lauman Training (more here). Kitty Lauman is a very successful natural horsemanship trainer, and its really educational to see negative reinforcement methods being used with finesse and skill. The only weird thing she does is that she continuously repeats "Good" while she's working with a horse. It gets kind of old pretty quick -- especially when she's working with a wild mustang who cannot possibly find the "Good" verbal to be any sort of happy thing...

Update on Training
Everybody is doing really well. Spot is now standing on his mat and letting me brush him all over. Today, he was even sort of enjoying it :) Speaking of Spot...we went out this morning to do morning feeding and found that Spot had somehow managed to get into the neighboring pen with Dasher and Bambi. The first thing we checked was fences -- no, they all looked in tact. All the doors were still latched too. There seemed to be no possible way for Spot to have gone though the fence, unless he apparated... It's still sort of a mystery. The only way we though of that might have been a possibility is that Spot managed to somehow roll his way under the fence. There was a part of the ground by the fence that was all scuffed up which supported our guess... Hopefully he only made it under by accident and hasn't learned to squeeze under fences to get to the other side. Then we'd have quite a problem on our hands!

Ginger, Greta, and June are also doing great. Ginger is now letting  me pet her all over her body. Greta is getting close -- probably just one or two more days and she'll be there. June is taking a little bit longer to get comfortable with me reaching back on her body, especially on the right side, but we'll get there pretty soon. Very proud of my girls. They've also all learned to be polite and get out of my space...too bad they had to learn that because they all had bouts of being pushy brats :)

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